A Strange Way of Being Happy

A woman used to write down her daily happiness on a piece of paper every night before going to sleep. One night she wrote: I'm glad my husband snores loudly all night because he's alive and I have him. This is thanks to Allah. I am happy that my son argues early in the morning that mosquitoes and bedbugs do not let him sleep all night, which means he spends the night at home and does not wander. Thanks are to Allah for this too. I am happy that every month I have to pay a good tax for electricity, gas, water, petrol, etc. That means I have all these things for my use. If it were not for them, how difficult life would be? Thanks are to Allah for this too. I am happy that by the end of the day, I feel sick from exhaustion, which means I have the strength to work hard all day. And this strength and courage are only by the grace of Allah. I am happy that I have to sweep my house every day and clean the doors and windows....