Indeed, Allah is Love || Allah is Sufficient For Me And He is the Best Creator

 When pain and trouble come upon us, it does not mean that Allah is angry with us and at that time we are not alone. There is someone who is holding you, who loves you every moment. He is watching with love. When Allah wants to bring someone close to Him, He wants to give Himself, and He puts him to the test so that He can hear his humility, hear his pain, and listen to his words. I like his rumbling and his repeated calls so much that he wants me to call this servant of mine again and again. That Allah Ta'ala wants to hear him again, he wants to hear his voice of helplessness many times, so he asks the angels to delay him. But I felt very happy after reading this hadith and I felt a deep sense of peace that always happens to me when I feel very sad and broken. Yes, something happens through something or something like that passes before my eyes. I too was failing something like that, feeling very sad and helpless alone but I was not alone, someone was very close to me holding me like someone was bringing me into the light in the dark by holding my hand and I thought that a person who never dares to suffer even an iota of pain, then where does the courage to suffer like mountains come from all of a sudden. 

How did you get so much courage? The answer is that courage did not come. It was given to you as if someone is smiling and whispering in my ear. From this pure entity, otherwise, you look so delicate. Bringing beloved servants closer to us makes their trials longer and longer, but if we recognize our Allah and His love, then the path becomes very easy and the paths continue to open. And then that trial doesn't seem like a trial, it becomes a great gift from Allah Ta'ala that there is no one but Him who is truly benevolent. First, he fills my eyes with wonderful moisture, then he kisses those tears, then he fills them with the colors of the rainbow of laughter.

 If you are afraid, no one can take you out of this fear. No one frees you from this fear except the Holy One. If ever I am afraid, mistrustful, He is the one who brings me out of my misgivings, frees me from all the fears that keep me harassed in solitary gatherings.

He breaks me when I am intoxicated in my ego, he takes away my favorite thing to call me close to him and tells me who is yours but me who does not connect you and then connects me. He also gives peace to my heart and tells me that the peace of hearts is hidden in his memory and when I get tired of any of my desires, in any love and again, a true dedication gives me new courage. They are going to be returned to Him, then why are they now taking a distance from their beloved Lord, why should they become cruel at the hands of their false cruel self, that whatever they give will come back, whether it is tears, smiles, trust or deception? Happiness, peace, or cruelty will all come back to you one day. He also told me that this world is a mockery. Believe in yourself, no one is true to his word and true to his promise except him. Have you found someone? Have you found someone like that? We all belong to him. If there was someone for my God, I would have accepted it, then why don't I say, "I have no one but you, my God, who binds my broken heart together, puts the ointment of your love on my wounds, who kisses my tears, you are the only one." Allah is love, my faith is my true hope, Allah is my everything.

Huma Nayab....


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