Allah have fallen in Love with that Person

 When the heart is bor up by the love of the world and wears the garment of piety and is lost in the remembrance of Allah, then it also happens as it is narrated in Sahih Muslim on the authority of Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala calls upon Hazrat Gabriel and says, O Gabriel, I have fallen in love with such a person,think about this sentence, and say that the selfless Lord, who is the creator of the earth and the heavens, is calling the Holy Spirit, the Chief of the angels, and telling his secret of love that I have fallen in love with such a person, Subhan Allah.Now, what is the order for Gabriel (peace be upon him)? It is said that even now, make him your beloved.

 Allahu Akbar, what is the nature of love?

 The people of this world who they love do not want anyone else to see or love their beloved, and the one whom Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loves, wants everyone to love him. Then Hazrat Gabriel (peace be upon him) also starts loving this person.

 Oh God, what should be done now?

 Then this secret of love is revealed in the world of the kingdom and it is announced among the people of heaven that Allah Almighty loves such a person, therefore, O people of heaven, make this person your beloved too SubhanAllah SubhanAllah.

 Just consider that we are one, that we are going around beating each other, wishing that some spark of divine love would come into our hearts from somewhere and that this fire of love would ignite in our hearts under some pretext, but just imagine the happiness of the person who It is going on among all of us on this earth and on the Great Throne, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling the secrets of His love for this person to Gabriel, peace be upon him, and the angels are discussing the love of Allah and this person in the heavens. And then the matter does not end here, the matter has just begun. Then the popularity of that person is brought down to the earth and the people of the earth also start loving him, Subhan Allah

 So it was found that the story of the love of Allah's close servants and his beloved friends does not start from the earth, but it starts from the realm of the kingdom. They would have finished the story. But this story of love is not an earthly story, it is a eternal story, so how can we people of the earth end it?

 This is the reason why there have been millions of great princes and sultans in this world and countless great kings have passed through whose status used to ring, but today we do not even know their names. Ask about any of the beloved guardians of the Almighty who passed away centuries ago. For example, ask who the son of Ali bin Uthman Al-Hujwiri known as Data Ganj Bakhsh, may God have mercy on him. The addressee will tell you that this is the love and popularity of the beloved of Allah, which is put in the hearts of people, and there is no perfection in it. I will mention you and those whom Allah Almighty mentions among His angels in the heavens, how can the inhabitants of this world erase their mention?

 Now the question is that when the love of the beloved of Allah Almighty is sent down to earth, is it put in everyone's heart? No, because many people are pelting them with stones, countless people are abusing them, and many are calling them polytheists. Rather, pure and polite hearts are chosen for it. Yes, this is not the love of people like us. They are the beloved of the Almighty. Their love will be kept only in those hearts that can keep their love. That pure thing are kept in pure vessels.

 Allama Iqbal (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

 Literature is the first principle among the principles of love

 That the first step in the journey of love is called literature and it is the first condition of love. Those who claim love without literature are liars.

 Hazrat Imam Abd al-Rahman (may Allah have mercy on him) says that I stayed in the service of Imam Malik (may Allah have mercy on him) for twenty years for education and he only taught me literature for eighteen years and educated me for the remaining two years, but I wished that he For the remaining two years, taught me only literature.

 The religion of Islam is all literature, so the heart that is devoid of the sweetness of literature will not have the sweetness of love in it. Similarly, the love of Allah, the Exalted, and His Messenger may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is found in the most select hearts. No matter how many songs we sing about the love of Allah and His Messenger and His Companions until we do not love their friends, where will we find their love, love is a very honorable thing. That is why the Lord of the heavens and the earth is warning us about his friends.

 That the person who has enmity with any of my guardians or friends, I declare war on him, Allahu Akbar.

 And how the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his Companions used to pray for the love of Allah, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) says:

 O Allah, I ask You for Your love and I ask for the love of the person who loves You, Subhan Allah.

 The love of the beloved of Allah Almighty is such a precious thing that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself is teaching the Dua to obtain the love of that person. If the love of God is also in his heart, then the first principle is that he should cultivate in his heart the desire to respect and love the friends of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala so that with His blessings, Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) The love of Allah's Messenger and his Companions will also be blessed, but this longing will also arise only in those fortunate hearts in whose destiny this wealth is written and those who are not blessed with the love of the beloved of Allah Almighty, they are not even given the opportunity to ask for this love.

My request is also a charity for His grace.

Thank You

Huma Nayab


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