Real Story of Karbala || Battle of Karbala || 72 Martyrs of Karbala || The Story of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A)


The Battle of Karbala stands as an indelible moment in history, permeated with deep religious significance and profound human sacrifice. It encompasses the story of Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and his followers' unwavering determination to uphold righteousness against tyranny. This article aims to delve into the real story of Karbala, shedding light on the events leading up to the battle, the gallant sacrifice of the 72 martyrs, and the lasting lessons this historical event teaches us.

Understanding the Historical Context

The Succession Crisis and the Rise of Yazid

The Battle of Karbala took place in the year 680 AD, against the backdrop of a succession crisis within the Islamic caliphate. After the demise of the third Caliph, Hazrat Uthman (R.A), a division emerged among the Muslims regarding the rightful successor. This division ultimately led to the ascension of Yazid, the son of Muawiyah, as the new Caliph, a decision that was met with contention and opposition.

Imam Hussain's Stand for Justice and Truth

Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A), the son of Hazrat Ali (R.A) and Hazrat Fatima (R.A) chose not to pledge allegiance to Yazid, recognizing his tyrannical and oppressive rule. He firmly believed in the importance of justice, upholding the principles established by his grandfather, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). To Imam Hussain, standing against the usurper Yazid was a duty toward Islam and the preservation of its values.

The Journey to Karbala

Imam Hussain's Reluctant Departure

Imam Hussain, accompanied by his family and a small group of loyal companions, left Medina for Mecca, initially intending to avoid confrontation. However, as news of the worsening situation reached him, he realized the gravity of the oppression faced by the people of Kufa. Responding to their calls for help, Imam Hussain altered his path, setting off toward Kufa in the hopes of instigating a positive change.

Betrayal and Abandonment

Tragically, Imam Hussain and his caravan were intercepted near Karbala by the army of Yazid, led by the ferocious forces of Yazid's commander, Hurmala. Despite assurances of support from the people of Kufa, Imam Hussain found no aid upon his arrival. The betrayal by those who had initially promised their allegiance left him and his followers isolated, vastly outnumbered, and facing imminent danger.

The Battle and the Gallant Sacrifice

The Heroism and Bravery of the 72 Martyrs

Imam Hussain, aware of the dire circumstances, offered Yazid's forces a chance to embrace righteousness before engaging in battle. However, his magnanimous gesture was met with hostility and a refusal to concede. On the tenth of Muharram, the battle ensued, and despite their small numbers, the followers of Imam Hussain valiantly fought against the oppressive army. The 72 martyrs, including Imam Hussain himself, displayed remarkable courage and unwavering faith, even in the face of certain death.

The Suffering and Sacrifice of the AhlulBayt

Notably, the women and children of Imam Hussain's family, known as the AhlulBayt, endured immense suffering and hardship throughout the tragic events of Karbala. They faced unimaginable atrocities, witnessing the martyrdom of their loved ones and enduring captivity at the hands of Yazid's forces. Their resilience and unwavering faith inspire profound admiration and compassion.

The Lasting Impact and Lessons

The Symbolism of Karbala

The Battle of Karbala and the sacrifice of the 72 martyrs resonate deeply within the hearts of millions, regardless of religious or cultural backgrounds. It serves as a powerful symbol of resistance against oppression, standing up for justice, and the struggle for truth. The eternal legacy of Imam Hussain's sacrifice serves as a reminder that the pursuit of righteousness and the preservation of human dignity is paramount, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Lessons for Humanity

The real story of Karbala teaches us invaluable lessons. It reminds us of the significance of standing against injustice, even in seemingly dire circumstances. It reaffirms the importance of upholding principles of compassion, empathy, and righteousness, regardless of the consequences. The spirit of Karbala encourages us to fight against tyranny, defend human rights, and combat oppression in all its forms.

The Call for Unity and Compassion

Furthermore, the events of Karbala emphasize the need for unity and compassion among Muslims and all of humanity. Imam Hussain's struggle was not confined to any particular sect or group; it was a battle for justice and humanity. In this fractured world, Karbala serves as a reminder that we must rise above divisions and embrace the common values that unite us.

Embracing Martyrdom for a Noble Cause

The sacrifice of the 72 martyrs teaches us about the noblest form of sacrifice one can make for a just cause. They exemplified the willingness to lay down their lives for truth, righteousness, and the betterment of society. Their heroism has inspired countless individuals to stand up against oppression and injustice throughout history.

Drawing Strength from Karbala

The story of Karbala continues to be a source of strength and inspiration for Muslims worldwide. It serves as a rallying point for those facing oppression and a reminder that the struggle for justice is a timeless and universal pursuit. The commemoration of Muharram and the remembrance of the sacrifice of Imam Hussain and his companions act as a catalyst for introspection, spiritual growth, and a renewed commitment to upholding the values of compassion, mercy, and justice.


The Battle of Karbala is more than a historical event. It represents the unwavering spirit of justice and righteousness exemplified by Hazrat Imam Hussain (R.A) and his followers. The sacrifice of the 72 martyrs serves as a timeless inspiration, urging humanity to rise above adversity and fight for what is right. The story of Karbala will continue to be a beacon of hope, resonating with individuals across generations, and reminding us of the indomitable human spirit and the enduring pursuit of truth.

As we commemorate the events of Karbala, let us remember the importance of standing for justice, upholding principles of compassion and empathy, and fostering unity among humanity. The legacy of Karbala calls us to be better human beings, to confront oppression, and to work towards creating a world guided by justice and righteousness. Through understanding and internalizing the real story of Karbala, we can draw strength from the sacrifice of Imam Hussain and his followers, and strive to make a positive difference in the world around us.

Written by: 

Huma Nayab

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