Tahajud is an invitation from Allah Almighty

The call of the obligatory prayers comes from the voice of the servant, i.e. the Adhan(the call to prayer), and the call of the prayer at the last hour of the night, which is at the time of Tahjud, comes from Allah Almighty. Only the chosen people of Allah feel this.

 This is the call of obligatory prayer, "Come to prayer", "Come to success." And the call of Tahajud prayer, Allah Ta'ala himself is saying, "There is a beggar to whom I will grant."

The obligatory prayer is performed by the majority of Muslims, while the Tahajjud prayer is performed by those whom Allah has chosen and selected. Everyone prays alone for the pure sake of Allah Almighty. During the performance of the obligatory prayer, worldly pursuits, and satanic temptations keep coming, while the prayer of Tahjud is the name of separation from the world and preparation for the Hereafter. Most people perform the obligatory prayer, for this reason, they meet someone in the mosque and have a few conversations with him, while the chosen people of Allah perform the Tahajjud prayer to build a relationship with Allah by talking to him about secrets and needs.

Go and put your duties and questions in front of him. Dua of obligatory prayer will be accepted by Allah Ta'ala, while Allah has promised the acceptance of dua in Tahjud prayer to His servants. 

The opportunity of the Tahajjud prayer is obtained by the one for whom Allah has intended to create a person by talking to this special servant and listening to his problems and complaints so that he is among the closest servants of Allah. It is therefore worthy of congratulations.

Those who have been invited by Allah, the Exalted, to sit in front of Him in the Tahajjud prayer, to narrate to Him, and to have the pleasure of praying to Him. When a child asks for something and it is not given to him, he starts crying until he gets that thing, then you should also become such a child and ask your Lord for all your legitimate needs and necessities.

 Therefore, do not deprive yourself and others of the worship of Tahjud prayer and convey this message to others, maybe someone will get chance for Tahjud because of you, and may you also get the reward of it. May Allah bless us all and Grant us the ability to perform the tahajud prayer.



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