Parental Rights || Importance of Parents in our Life || Some Good Parenting Etiquette || Respect Your Parents || Obligatory and Debt

 Parental rights in Islam

 Every Muslim man and woman must pay for the rights of their parents.  The rights of parents are mentioned in the Holy Quran.

 "And your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Allah and treat your parents well. If one or both of them reach old age, don't say to them, "Uff.''  Don't even say, nor rebuke them, and talk to them with great politeness, and gently bend the arms for both of them and keep supplicating (to Allah) O my Lord!  Have mercy on both of them as they raised me (with mercy and compassion) in my childhood.

  Al-Israa, 17: 23-24

Serving, obeying, and honoring parents is obligatory in every part of the age, be it old or young, but the mention of old age is special because, at this age, parents also get irritated at times, and reason and understanding also start responding.  And they also get various diseases.  If they become in need of service, their wishes and demands also become something that becomes difficult for the children to fulfill.  That is why the Holy Qur'an, along with the commandments to comfort and comfort parents, reminded the man of his childhood (i.e. the time of childhood) that once upon a time you were more in need of your parents than they need you today.  So just as they sacrificed their comfort and desires for you at that time and tolerated your foolishness with love, now that this time of need has come upon them, wisdom and nobility demand that you also bear everything.

 Allah says more.

 • "And worship Allah, the Most High, and do not associate anything with Him, and be kind to your parents." Surah An-Nisa 36

 • "We have advised every human being to treat his parents well. Surah Al-Ankabut 8.

 Just as it has been emphasized in the Holy Qur'an to pay the rights of parents, similarly in many hadiths, it has been recommended to pay the rights of parents.

• The Holy Prophet (PBUH) called serving parents better than Jihad.

• The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) called it a great sin not to pay the parents' rights.

• Abdullah bin Umar (RA) narrates that the Prophet (PBUH) said:  One of the major sins is that a man curses his parents.

• The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, "Should I not inform you of the greatest sin?" The companions said, "Why not, O Messenger of Allah?"  The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ``Associating partners with Allah and disobeying parents.''

Respect Your Parents:

Till your parents are alive make sure you attend to and behave with them in the best possible way. If they have passed away make sure you set some time to make dua for them.

Children should think that parents are not only the reason for their existence but whatever I am today because of them, I am with their blessings, it is the parents who do not only endure all kinds of pain and suffering for the sake of their children.  Rather, sometimes they sacrifice their comfort and happiness for the sake of their children.

Some Good Parenting etiquette:

 1) Turn off the phone in their presence.

 2) Listening to them.

 3) Accept their feedback.

 4) Always praise them.

 5) Share the gospel with them.

 6) Do not convey negative news to them.

 7) Don't complain about them to your friends and loved ones.

 8) Always remind them of their achievements.

 9) Not mentioning past painful situations.  Avoid side conversations.

 10) Sit with them respectfully.

 11) Don't underestimate their thoughts and opinions.

 12) Don't disturb their rest and let them continue.

 13) Respect their age.

 14) Do not raise your voice against them.

 15) Don't walk in front of them.

 16) Do not eat from the front of them.

 17) Always be proud of them.

 18) Not to cause them a curse.

 19) Pray for them all the time.

 20) Not showing tiredness and boredom with them.

 21)  Serve them before they ask.

 22) Always go to them and never get angry.

  23) Choosing good words in communication with them.

  24) Call them by the names they love.

 25) Introduce them to everything and everyone.

Obligatory and Debt:

Good behavior towards parents is obligatory and debt is also, obligatory will take you to paradise and debt, your children will repay you.

Take care of your parents' needs in such a way that they don't have to ask you for anything.

Be a support to your parents and serve them with dignity and respect in their life.

Thank You for reading...

May Allah bless you, always be happy, stay safe and positive...

Written by:

Huma Nayab 


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