HaLaL Muslim Couple Tips || Rules of Getting Married in Islam || Killers of Marriage


A happy marriage doesn't need the ideal house, flawless kids, the ultimate job, or the best car! Just needs perfect commitments & unconditional love. 

Here are seven keys to a great relationship: 

1. A good relationship with Allah: Any marriage built on Haram or nurtured with haram is going to be the breeding ground for problems. If you keep having problems in your marriage, you the husband, and the wife should check your relationship with Allah; there could be something haram you're doing or a compulsory Halal you've abandoned like prayer on time, etc. 

 2- Friendship: Try to be your spouse's best friend. No matter what happens, be a friend first, and a lover later.

3- Trust: The key element to any relationship is trust, so before starting this beautiful journey with your spouse, learn to trust in all circumstances. A marriage without trust is the foundation of all problems!

4- Understanding: Try to figure out each other and work out your differences. There are going to be many differences, but it’s mutual compromise and sacrifice which make this relationship beautiful.

5- Communication: Try to talk and convey your message to your spouse. Let your spouse know about how good/bad your day was along with, remind them how you feel for them. When there's proper communication, there's easy identification of challenges and easily resolved. 

6- Honesty: Always speak the truth, never lie or hide things in fear that your spouse won’t understand. Give your spouse a chance to understand you.

7- Freedom: Give your spouse space and freedom to decide for themselves upon halal things. Don’t take away the personal time of your spouse......

When you have practiced all of the above, then trust Allah and you will see how beautiful life gets. May Allah help us.


• Laziness kills marriage

• Suspicion kills marriage

• Lack of trust kills marriage

• Lack of mutual respect kills marriage

Unforgiveness kills marriage (Forgiveness is not optional but mandatory)

Arguments kill a marriage

Keeping secrets from your spouse kills marriage

Every form of infidelity kills marriage (financial, emotional, psychological, material, etc)

• Poor communication kills marriage

Lies easily kill a marriage, be sincere to your spouse in every aspect.

Relating more with your parents than your spouse kills marriage

Lack of, inadequate or unenjoyable sex kills marriage.

Nagging kills marriage

Too much talk and careless talk kills marriage

Spending less or little time with your spouse kills marriage

Being too independent-minded kills marriage

Love for parties, money, and spending/partying kills marriage

Exposing the inadequacies of your spouse to your parents or siblings kills marriage

Not being steadfast/fervent in the spirit kills not only marriage but your life

Spurning correction and reprimand kills marriage.

Always wearing a sad face and being moody kills marriage.

Uncontrolled or hot temperament kills marriage.

Not understanding your role and position in marriage as instituted by God kills marriage.

Not being sensitive to the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of your spouse kills marriage

When anything threatens the position/security of a wife, her reaction(s) will be detrimental to her marriage.

Lack of knowledge of the word of God kills marriage.

• Please, save a marriage today by sharing this.

May God bring healing to every troubled home and family. Ameen.


• If as a result of not having a wife, one will fall into sin, then it is wajib to get married...


• If due to not having a wife, one will either commit a haram act or fears that he will commit a haram act; or if because of not having a wife, there will be some detrimental effect on his body, then it is wajib to get married. 

• If someone knows that in the event that he does not get married he will fall into sin, such as looking at non-Mahram in a haram way, looking at (prohibited) photographs or movies or one may become forced to or has no other way out but to sexually please himself (masturbation) or may fall into having illicit sexual relations with non-Mahram, then it is wajib to get married.

The youth must pay extra special attention to the fact that the same Allah (SWT) who up until today has provided us with our spiritual and material needs, if we follow His commands to obtain His pleasure, then, He (SWT) will shower even more blessings than before on His servants, and certainly, He will remove other obstacles from a person’s path.

Make a deal with Allah (SWT) and getting married, keep yourselves away from sins, and seek the pleasure and blessings of Allah (SWT).

Rest assured that He will keep making you happy and make you successful.

May Allah protect us from every evil action and And keep us safe.

Thanks for reading...

May Allah bless you, always be happy & be positive...

Written by:

Huma Nayab


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