Faithful Role Played by a Wife || Good Wife is Great Mercy || Beware of Marrying Five Types of Women

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This world is filled with temporary joy but the best temporary joy is a righteous wife. I can't emphasize enough the importance of having a supportive wife. Men should choose a woman that will be a great help and can nourish children because the next generation needs good leadership from parents.

— Loving a man, encouraging him to greatness, participating, and helping him become more successful. 

There are two things about women in this world. One is a woman that will cheer you, helps you, and make you feel like a king. Second, is a woman who loves to spend what you've earned and doesn't want to be nourished. 

In reference, I've read a story that appeared during the Expedition of the Trench. During the digging, The Prophet ๏ทบ had tied stones to his stomach to alleviate the severe pangs of hunger. When Jabir bin Abdullah perceived the Prophet's ๏ทบ hunger it deeply struck him. Straightaway he went home and asked his wife if she could cook him a meal. "We have nothing but this ewe," she said "and a measure of barley." So he sacrificed the ewe and asked his wife to cook some Loaves of bread. 

Thereupon, he went to the Prophet ๏ทบ and he spoke to him in an utterly confidential tone, "I have prepared a meal for you, O Messenger of Allฤh ๏ทบ and one or two of your companions can come to my house." The moment Allฤh's Messenger ๏ทบ heard what Jabir had to say, he called out to the people of the trench. The companions were hundreds and they were extremely hungry. 

Jabir said, "That time I felt severe embarrassment. I paused for thought: the food is enough for merely a few people; here hundreds of people are on the move towards my house. How would I be able to provide for people in such multitudes? Amidst the perplexity, I hurriedly reached home, and narrated the entire happening to my wife." Jabir was extremely worried. But cast a look at the faithful role played by the wife of Jabir bin Abdullah. How this eminent woman encouraged her husband by saying, "You have invited only the Allฤh's Messenger ๏ทบ for a meal, if he has summoned more people to partake of the food, he knows best." 

Jabir bin Abdullah's wife has delivered a lesson to women that in the field of inviting people to Islam, at the moment of spending in the cause of Allฤh, women of the household must give men beneficial and encouraging counsel. We should uplift their zeal.

A Good Wife is Great Mercy

Wife and husband are the foundation of a righteous family and society. If you think about it, the journey of husband and wife started from a beautiful place like "Jannat". From this, you can imagine the beauty of this relationship. Hazrat Adam Al-Salaam, despite being in a spacious place like "Paradise", was not peaceful until Allah Almighty created Hazrat Hawa (peace be upon him). From this, it was known that Paradise is not Paradise without a "wife".

If we consider, every house in which there is a virtuous wife can become a piece of paradise, but it depends on our attitudes. My wife's Hard work and dedication will make this house a paradise. She will be the protector and caretaker of this house. She will go to any extent for her protection and survival but the condition is that the family members are ready to give her real status. The tragedy of our societies is that the husband does not fulfill his duties but wants his rights. The same is the case with the wife she is unable to fulfill her duties but is fighting for her rights. Remember, until there is no "balance" between rights and duties, houses will continue to break.

The main solution is to follow the teachings of Islam. Be sure that in homes where husband and wife perform their duties according to the teachings of Islam, there are very few problems and if any problem does arise, is resolved amicably.

Also, remember that if you decide this journey of life with "patience and tolerance" then ease will be your destiny.

Beware of Marrying Five Types of Women:

1. Annฤnah (ุฃ): means a woman who is known for a lot of moaning and complaining. She is not pleased with anything at all. Nothing Impresses her. She is hardly ever satisfied with her husband. From the time the husband enters (and) until he leaves, he is under her groaning/moaning and complaining. This is the type of woman Prophets Abraham Ibrahim told his son Ismail to divorce her sharp.

2. Hannฤnah (ุญ): the scholars say this is a woman that craves another husband bcos her current husband isn't like the other men, meaning; she reminds her husband of the favor of her being (married to him) and she always says to him: I don't know why I married a man like u? "Is my type of woman even supposed to be with (the likes of) you?! ". "My kind are supposed to be with such and such type of men, not u...". Every time she looks at him she says: "My fortune is wretched because my kind is to be married to such and such type (of man but not u)". 

3. Haddฤqah: she is the one that looks at everything with desire and seeks to acquire it. When she goes home, she goes to her husband with a grief-stricken face (saying) "Maa Shaa Allaah, so and so has such and such, and so and so has (this or that) whilst I am poor, ah I also want some, I want to be like this and that". When she goes to the market places, she desires to purchase everything.

4. Barrฤqah: this one is too preoccupied with herself away from her husband and her own house. Nothing is of importance to her except herself and how she will dress and look for people to admire her. She is overly engaged with herself, her beauty, and her personal affairs away from her husband and her house. We can safely say (about her) as they say today: 'Selfish wifey asap.

5. Shaddฤqah: she is the type that is always ranting; she is always speaking and rarely quiet." This is parrot wifey.. if her husband speaks two words she will speak a hundred words at once.

A supportive wife helps a man push his limits, achieve his dreams, and be successful in life. 

A good wife brings positive changes in a man.

Thanks for reading...

May Allah bless you, always be happy & be positive...

Written by: 

Huma Nayab


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