Respect Elders, Value Them || Parent's Shadow || Our Elders (Grandparents) are very Precious.

 No matter how old a tree is, it never ceases to provide shade. As it ages, it becomes denser and keeps its arms outstretched all the time to protect against heat. If a dense and shady tree is felled with the ax of inattention, it will not suffer as much as the hewer. Because the pain of coming into the hot sun from the awning is understood only when the shade is lifted from the head.

 Indeed, our elders (Grandparents) are very precious assets in our life. Remember. When any of these are missing, there is a void in life that can never be filled. Their love, their kindness, their countless prayers, and never-to-be-forgotten moments are deeply missed. We learn to live without them, but their lack is always present in our lives.

Today, every child is becoming alienated from their parents. Every son who steps on the threshold of youth is seen rudely talking to his parents, while parents are a great blessing of Allah Almighty, this blessing requires that he should be valued and should be treated with kindness.

Today, the young people of this society need to remember that if someone becomes a doctor, or an engineer and stands on his feet today, it is because of his parents. Otherwise, the child who does not have the shadow of the elders abandons his studies because of the hunger in his stomach.

Love is the name of such a relationship that if there is a person who has no one to love, his face does not shine, the smile on his lips fades and the child looks like an orphan. If it is said that "one who is deprived of love is called an orphan" then it will not be wrong. There are thousands of relationships in the whole world, but the relationship of single parent does not let their children go to bed hungry and is concerned about the well-being of their children until their last breath.

One of the most important ways we can show respect to our elders is by simply giving them our time. In many cases, our elders have lived long and interesting lives, and they have valuable stories and experiences to share with us. By taking the time to sit down and listen to them, we can learn a great deal about their lives and the world they grew up in.

May Allah Almighty keep the shadow of our elders always on us and forgive those who are no longer among us, grant them a high place in Paradise, accept all their good deeds, and make us continue to give charity in their favor. Ameen

 Respect your elders, give them attention, and give them time. Give them a sense of belonging with love because once they are gone we realize what we have lost.

 What is the use of this feeling after someone is gone?

Written by

Huma Nayab


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