There is nothing as bad as the Evil Eye || Remedy for the Evil Eye || How is it possible to avoid the evil eye?

Remember that you are good, which does not mean that everyone is good and that you are beautiful does not mean that others are beautiful too. Seeing your happiness, others may get hurt. They can commit violence. And from there evil eye started.

Badnazar is a creation of Allah. This is a special effect that can spread from one person to another.
Narrated by Abu Hurayra (را), the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "The word is true". [Bukhari: 10/113]

He also said, “If any object transcends the word of mouth, then it would have been the word”. [Tirimiyee 2059, Ahmad 6/438]

He also said, “In my Ummah, second only to the death of Taqwadeer, there will be maximum death due to the evil eye”. [7th date, Bukhari]

Bad glance destroys family, destroys relationships, kills dreams, spoils life and career, spoils career, makes beauty ugly, and turns love into hatred.

Therefore the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said

 لَوْ كَانَ شَيْءٌ سَابَقَ الْقَدَرَ لَسَبَقَتْهُ الْعَيْنُ‏

If anything could overcome fate, then words and vision could overcome it.

Sunan at Tirmizi

Hadis number: 2059.

May Allah grant us the ability to save us from evil eyes. Amin

Prayer to be saved from evil... 

In the name of Allah, I am ridding you of all the evilness of the giver of trouble. I am sweeping you in the name of Allah from the evil eye of a violent person. May Allah grant your health, I am blowing fire in your name.’ (Bukhari and Muslim)

An evil eye is such an evil thing that can destroy even mountains.

God willing, if it affects a human or an animal, its consequences can be tolerated even in the case of a major disease.

God willing, if it affects the eyes, sight can also be lost. It is common thing for young children to lose sight. Due to bad eyesight, children become mischievous, forgetful, disobedient, or, God willing, in some physical disease. Can also suffer

It is generally believed that children and animals may have the vision. While the fact is that young men can look at women or even at any age. Sometimes business gets overlooked, Sometimes health is overlooked, Sometimes animals are blinded, and Sometimes children and women are noticed.

Quranic prescription to avoid the evil eye.

A small fragment of a verse from the Holy Quran

(Mashallah there is no power but God)

It is very useful and efficient to ward off the evil eye

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

Whenever you see a blessing from Allah or see a child laughing, always say Ma sha Allah.

Reciting Surah Al-Fatihah twenty-one times and breathing is the best cure for bad eyesight.

 If you are the reciter of Surat al-Fatiha, you can recite it yourself, otherwise, get it recited by an expert reciter.

Thanks for Reading...

Written by Huma Nayab...


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